Agency, Multi-cultural Democracy, and Classifying Qual Data with LLMs/Python

Theory and Ideas

Future of Multicultural Democracy (Journal of Democracy Issue)

1. Majoritarianism without majorities (Chandra 2024)

2. Who decides who is Democratic (Przeworski 2024)

Development as Freedom (WIP)


Python to ipynb

Python Programming: Qual-to-Quant data Classifier, using Ollama

Generative AI samples which generalize to human populations?

A recent arxiv paper by Park et al. (2024), Generative Agent Simulations of 1,000 People, claims that LLMs can be used to fairly reliably approximate the distribution of a sample from true human populations. They claim to correctly model minority groups, and, surprisingly, to be able to replicate responses reliably over time (85% as well as humans). A recurring tension with AI is whether they need to be good, or simply better than human alternatives. Humans are notoriously unreliable when answering questions over time (or driving), so how much better, if at all, should we expect AI to be?


Alesina, Alberto, Bryony Reich, and Alessandro Riboni. 2020. “Nation-Building, Nationalism, and Wars.” Journal of Economic Growth 25 (4): 381–430.
Chandra, Kanchan. 2024. “The Future of Multiracial Democracy: Majoritarianism Without Majorities.” Journal of Democracy 35 (4): 46–62.
Park, Joon Sung, Carolyn Q. Zou, Aaron Shaw, Benjamin Mako Hill, Carrie Cai, Meredith Ringel Morris, Robb Willer, Percy Liang, and Michael S. Bernstein. 2024. “Generative Agent Simulations of 1,000 People.” arXiv.
Przeworski, Adam. 2024. “Who Decides What Is Democratic?” Journal of Democracy 35 (3): 5–16.