Nation-building in civil war; the penumbra of the adjacent possible; AI+Cambrian intelligence; agency+losing lower-leverage capacities

When do we invest in nationalism (Alesina et al 2020)

Knowledge and the ‘penumbra’ of the adjacent possible

When will AIs switch to “Cambrian” Intelligence?

Increasing requires giving up lower-leverage capabilities

Trade-off between actions-per minute (APM) and precision


Alesina, Alberto, Bryony Reich, and Alessandro Riboni. 2020. “Nation-Building, Nationalism, and Wars.” Journal of Economic Growth 25 (4): 381–430.
Boehm, Christopher. 2012. Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame. New York, NY: Basic books.
Wood, Elisabeth Jean. 2003. Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.